Tamatea Intermediate

Tamatea Intermediate

A fresh and vibrant reception area welcomes guests to Tamatea Intermediate school, a space beaming with natural light and colour.

Our Solid Timber Battens and custom Chevron Wall Panels contribute to the buildings lively design, both supplied in American White Oak with a natural matte finish.

The SolidTimber Battens work as room dividers, separating offices from the open area, while letting light through and still feeling inclusive to the overall space. A custom installation method was used here as the client opted for matching solid timber plates to secure the battens to the ceiling and floor.

The chevron wall panels have also been installed over doors to create a seamless surface, requiring intricate design and precise placement to ensure each panel and grain match up perfectly.

Product Used
Walls & Doors
Professionals Involved
Pacific Environments
Watts & Hughes Construction
Pro Structure
Project type
Image Credits
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